from: | Internet News | ||
to: | |||
date: | 3 April 2015 at 11:41 | ||
subject: | Get Paid $1,000 To Watch A Short Video (As Seen On The News) | ||
Signed by: | |
I could not believe my eyes when I've seen this
on the news, this CRAZY filthy rich trader is paying
people $1,000 just to watch a short (but very important)
video -- Go get your $1,000 here, I already got mine:
on the news, this CRAZY filthy rich trader is paying
people $1,000 just to watch a short (but very important)
video -- Go get your $1,000 here, I already got mine:
That's gotta be the quickest $1,000 you ever made!
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"The important thing is not
being afraid to take a chance.
Remember, the greatest failure
is to not try. Once you find
something you love to do, be
the best at doing it."
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constantly in terms of I can, I
will, and I am. Losers, on the
other hand, concentrate their
waking thoughts on what they
should have or would have done,
or what they can't do."
- Dennis Waitley
"There is no royal, flower-
strewn path to success. And if
there is, I have not found it.
For if I have accomplished
anything in life, it is because
I have been willing to work
hard." - C.J. Walker
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conceive and believe, it can
achieve. Thoughts are things!
And powerful things at that,
when mixed with definiteness of
purpose, and burning desire,
can be translated into riches."
- Napoleon Hill
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